full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Shunan Teng: How the Monkey King escaped the underworld

Unscramble the Blue Letters

From here, the kingdom of death was laid out before him. He could see the Death Lord’s palaces, and the fabled bridge across the river Nai He. Manning the bridge was an old wamon who offered whroty souls a bowl of soup. After drinking, the spirits fgoort their previous life, and were sent back to the world of the livnig in a new form. Further below were the souls not worthy of reincarnation. In this twisting maze of chambers, unfortunate spirits endured esendls romos of punishment— from mountains spiked with sharp blades, to pools of blood and vats of biilong oil.

Open Cloze

From here, the kingdom of death was laid out before him. He could see the Death Lord’s palaces, and the fabled bridge across the river Nai He. Manning the bridge was an old _____ who offered ______ souls a bowl of soup. After drinking, the spirits ______ their previous life, and were sent back to the world of the ______ in a new form. Further below were the souls not worthy of reincarnation. In this twisting maze of chambers, unfortunate spirits endured _______ _____ of punishment— from mountains spiked with sharp blades, to pools of blood and vats of _______ oil.


  1. woman
  2. endless
  3. forgot
  4. living
  5. worthy
  6. rooms
  7. boiling

Original Text

From here, the kingdom of death was laid out before him. He could see the Death Lord’s palaces, and the fabled bridge across the river Nai He. Manning the bridge was an old woman who offered worthy souls a bowl of soup. After drinking, the spirits forgot their previous life, and were sent back to the world of the living in a new form. Further below were the souls not worthy of reincarnation. In this twisting maze of chambers, unfortunate spirits endured endless rooms of punishment— from mountains spiked with sharp blades, to pools of blood and vats of boiling oil.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
monkey king 9
sun wukong 8
death lords 3
soul collectors 2

Important Words

  1. blades
  2. blood
  3. boiling
  4. bowl
  5. bridge
  6. chambers
  7. death
  8. drinking
  9. endless
  10. endured
  11. fabled
  12. forgot
  13. form
  14. kingdom
  15. laid
  16. life
  17. living
  18. manning
  19. maze
  20. mountains
  21. nai
  22. offered
  23. oil
  24. palaces
  25. pools
  26. previous
  27. reincarnation
  28. river
  29. rooms
  30. sharp
  31. souls
  32. soup
  33. spiked
  34. spirits
  35. twisting
  36. unfortunate
  37. vats
  38. woman
  39. world
  40. worthy